Conducting a Test Run With Your Live Streams
Live streaming video is exploding on the internet these days, just like it did a year ago but what exactly is it’s role in virtual reality and how would you know if to use it in your virtual events versus pre-recorded videos. Live streaming got to the world by storm a year ago, and by any chance was a big fan last year too!
I am excited about the upcoming year as we get to see more live streaming content, but also with virtual reality and augmented reality applications, so let us take a look at this medium and some of the ways where it is going.
live streaming Singapore is great because of the convenience factor, but you still need to understand that this is a different medium. There are some differences in the way you can utilize this technology versus other technologies.
So how does a stream happen live? Well for the most part, a viewer (who is in the venue at the time) watches the stream on their personal computer or handheld device and thus they are able to see the event live with the attendees in the venue at the time.
The event stream will also appear on the attendee’s device, which means the attendees can see the event happening on their mobile phone screen, just like if they were there. It’s the best of both worlds because you have the convenience of the technology and still be able to connect with your audience.
The key is knowing how to best distribute the content so that the content is engaging enough to make your attendees want to connect with it. In addition, you will need to pay close attention to these factors because these are some of the things that will help you create a successful virtual event.
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